Writer Chat: 5 Places to Find Inspiration

Names, experiences, what-ifs, personalities, and quirks lend themselves to story material. Maybe you’ll want to keep a notebook handy to write down ideas—personally that’s not what I do, but it might work for you! Or as you write, just let the things you’ve absorbed show up and then turn them into a creation all your own.

Life Chat: 3 Ways to Brighten Up Summer Vacation

School is out! Summer break is here! Time for sleeping in, eating picnic food, and going on adventures. Sometimes, though, an away-vacation just isn’t possible. After all, gas is expensive, and paying for hotels and restaurants gobbles up chunks of money. So how can you make life fresh and new right at home? Rearrange Your… Continue reading Life Chat: 3 Ways to Brighten Up Summer Vacation


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